Touchscreen Products

1998 Nagano Winter Olympics

Developed in English, French and Japanese for the State of Florida and the City of Clearwater, "Florida is a Palette of Colors" went to Nagano as a part of a three thousand square foot exhibit for the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics.

Three interactive touch screen kiosks provided information on Florida vacations, cities, business, nature, and sports.The kiosks also included a survey so we could provide demographics on the users. Here we see the main menu in Japanese.

Under the "Cities" program, you could select any portion of the state and then select a city within that portion to get information about it.

In the "Nature" program we give you an exciting tour of natural Florida above and below the water.

Here the users could view a full motion video segment about the manatee. MPEG1 was used to provide high quality half screen video (320 by 240).

In the "Vacations" program you can take a cruise, see a movie about Universal Studios, check out our beautiful beaches and parks and find where the best honeymoons on planet Earth can be found (in Florida, of course).

We developed an exciting graphical treatment for all of the Nagano programs. They were delivered to the kiosks in 24 bit color .

Included with the fun was a survey, designed to be easy and fast so we could provide demographics on the users. A custom report generation program was also developed using Macromedia Director to automate the data retrieved from the three systems.

Two kiosks were of standard design but the third one shown here on the right was developed to look like a cypress stump. This kiosk was located among several fabricated cypress trees.

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