The St. Petersburg Museum of History offers an exhibit space, dedicated to traveling and custom exhibits with a 3 - 6 month duration.
The area provided is approximately 1000 square feet. Featured in the exhibit area are community interpretations, such as the Hubert Rutland, Chairman of the Board and President exhibit. |
Silver Image Interactive, Inc. produced the exhibit that featured wall murals, text panels, exhibit cases, an interactive program and a DVD on the life of Hubert Rutland. |
Hanging advertisements from archival newspapers, an eclectic collection of colorful bow ties (the well-known signature of Rutland), along with memorabilia collected from family, residents and past employees provided visitors a personal look into Rutland’s life. |
The interactive program included many interviews with family, friends and business associates, grouped into topics so visitors could see and hear about unique relationships and interactions that Rutland had in the community. |
The DVD was based on the history of his life, his dedication to his family, his influence on the community and his overall impact on the St.Petersburg area. |
To see more Custom Projects, Events and Custom Exhibits please select from the list below |